
the sea's color

When it comes to the sea, people's first association is blue. Be careful not to take a  mistake: pure water is colorless and transparent, and the reason of the sea in the sunshine is blue is  the strongest of the seawaterparticles of yellow, orange, red-light absorption; short light waves ofgreen, blue, blue light, the energy can reach the water deeper beenreflected back, the oceans appear blue.

A major factor affects the color of the sea is the suspended sediment.Yellow Sea, that it is yellow, because the rivers into the seacarrying a large amount of sand; and away from the estuary,then gradually become yellow-green and blue-green. The second factor is plankton.although their body is small size, the number of them is large, such as the Red Sea; third factor is thedepth. In layman's terms, the sea is deeper, the deeper the blue. South China Sea is obviously better than the Yellow Sea the sea depth, andthus dark blue. The sun is bad, some deep-sea basin was dark blue orblack, like the Dead Sea and the Black Sea.